Jane Cline, North Cedar Elementary


Position: 2nd Grade Teacher

Years Teaching: 18 years

Hobbies/Interests: Watching my boys participate in their activities, Reading, traveling with my family, running and yoga

What do you enjoy most about teaching? I know my time is brief with my students in the big picture of their school life, but I love that I have a chance to inspire them to work hard and be leaders. I also value being a life long learner – so I enjoy learning new information/strategies/best practices from peers and furthering my knowledge by taking classes that then can in turn make me better for my students.

What do you find most challenging about teaching? Each year is a different dynamic with students, new curriculum or maybe even a pandemic!!! So you have to always be willing and open to change and trying new things. You can either embrace it and go with the flow or get stuck…

Best tip for new teachers: Smile and take time to connect with your students. If they know you see, value, and hear them it will make a world of difference when you get into the learning!

Best tip for career teachers: Keep your “why” front and center. When you know your why everything else falls in to place.

Favorite piece of advice for students: Be Kind and Work Hard.

What being a Gold Star Teacher means to you: It is such an honor to be chosen. I am proud to be a teacher and I am humbled that my students and their families took time to nominate me.

Watch Jane’s video here!