Andy Hansen, Lou Henry Elementary


Position: 4th Grade Teacher

Years Teaching: 12 years

Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, sports and traveling

What do you enjoy most about teaching? Every single unique and amazing student, of course! But also the puzzle; I enjoy familiarizing myself with every individual who steps through the door and trying to figure out what I need to do to help them grow into their best selves — as learners and as citizens of the world. Also, the adults. People drawn to the field of education are a special breed, and I am thankful to be surrounded by them daily.

What do you find the most challenging about teaching? See above! Each child is unique and once you discover what each one needs to succeed, it’s sometimes hard to make the time to plan for and intentionally provide it.

Best tip for new teachers: Take care of yourself so you can take care of your students! Self-care is hard when there are so many things to be done, but it’s most important at the beginning, so there’s less chance of burnout. Students need us to be our best selves.

Best tip for career teachers: As a career teacher I know that sometimes the stamina ebbs and flows. What helps me is to remember to keep the balance, to keep learning so I stay inspired, and to keep focused on my belief in the power of education.

Favorite piece of advice for students: Discover and proudly be you!

What being a Gold Star Teacher means to you: For me, being a Gold Star teacher means I’ve been fortunate to be a member of a supportive and encouraging community. Waterloo is a special place, and the people I’ve met since moving here have given me the strength and support to be my best self, which means I can put my energy into providing a safe, celebratory space for my students. I am honored and humbled by the recognition.