Hilary LaMasters, Cedar Falls High School


Position: Spanish Teacher

Years Teaching: 10 years

Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy trail running, reading, spending time with family and friends, traveling, and going to concerts.

What do you enjoy most about teaching? My students are the best part of my job. I feel fortunate that I often get to have students for multiple years so I can get to know them, and sometimes their families, well. I work with a great group of educators both in my department and in my building who make me a better teacher. Also, teaching allows me to be creative and expressive and to share my passion with others.

What do you find the most challenging about teaching? I have often used the expression that you are "on" all day as a teacher. The students respond to my level of energy and enthusiasm so I have had to learn how to make good use of my free time to recharge.

Best tip for new teachers: Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things with your students. You may not nail it on the first try, but you can always continue to improve and refine as you go.

Best tip for career teachers: Keep looking for ways to create community, both amongst staff and students. We need each other. The past couple of years have only served to strengthen my belief that we were made for human connection.

Favorite piece of advice for students: Dream big dreams and put in the work every single day to achieve them. Also, greet your teachers with a smile. It means more than you know.

What being a Gold Star Teacher means to you: There are so many hard-working teachers out there who deserve to be honored for their talent and dedication. I feel incredibly humbled and thankful that someone took the time to nominate me. No one goes into teaching for the public accolades, but it feels very sweet to be recognized.